In-Person &
9:00am Traditional &
11:00am Contemporary
In-Person & Livestream:
9:00am traditional & 11:00am contemporary
New to online giving?
Give through our new giving platform called Abundant. It is safe, easy, and secure. Plus, it is very user-friendly, and you do not need an account to give. Just follow the steps below to get started!
Should you need assistance to set this up, please call Amy Sciple, Executive Team Assistant at 225-924-6812 or send her an email at
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Are you a current online giver?
Thank you for your generosity! Click the button below to give online using our current giving platform.
One-time gifts are easy to set up using a debit card, credit card, or bank account.
Recurring gifts are set up on a schedule you choose, and allows you to easily track and manage your giving. These gifts are also set up using a debit card, credit card, or bank account.
Cash or checks can be placed in envelopes (available in worship areas) on Sunday mornings during the offering time, or mailed to: Broadmoor United Methodist Church, 10230 Mollylea Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70815.
An automatic draft from your checking account can be set up by calling Peggy Thigpen in our Finance Office at 225-924-6260.
Appreciated stock and other securities are another giving option. For more information, contact Peggy Thigpen, Controller, at or 225-924-6260.
Why we give
We believe returning a portion of our financial resources to God’s work through our church is an act of worship. We acknowledge that all we have is a gift from God, and as an expression of love we thank God for our blessings and symbolically return the first fruits of our labor as an offering to the Lord.
We believe that living generously is an inseparable part of our following Christ. God does not need our money; rather, we need to give it as an act of thanksgiving and trust. As we learn to trust God more and more, we learn to live generously. As we live generously, we learn to trust God more and more.
All we have is a gift from God, so we believe that returning a portion of our income is an act of worship. What a joy to be able to offer back to God a portion of His generous blessings to us!
Supporting the church financially is an expectation of membership at Broadmoor. We don’t tell you how much you should give, but we believe that it is God’s intention that we grow more generous and take bigger steps in our giving as we become more aware of how richly God has blessed us in Christ. Stewardship is not our way of raising a budget. It is God’s way of raising disciples.
Annual giving by our congregation makes continuing the Lord’s work here in our community and beyond possible. Everything from worship, programs for children, youth & adults, Bible studies, small groups, pastoral care and support, mission trips, and community outreach projects is supported by your gifts. Your generosity ensures that Broadmoor can continue the legacy of service and hospitality that has made Broadmoor an amazing, faith-filled place of worship.
Before you give
Pray for God to lead you to trust him more with your life & your resources. Thank Him for the blessings in your life and ask for guidance and discernment in your giving.
Set your giving goal.
If you are not currently tithing (giving 10% of your income), start with a lower percentage and then plan to increase the percentage each year, growing toward the tithe. The important thing is to begin the spiritual discipline of regular, consistent giving.
Choose how you will give.
Take a look at the ways you can give (listed above) and select the option that works best for you.
Broadmoor United Methodist
10230 Mollylea Dr.
Baton Rouge, LA 70815
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